* 작성되는 모든 내용에 대한 저작권 및 권리는 Made In Abyss : Binary star falling into darkness의 개발사한테 있습니다.
도움되는 링크들
언팩/리팩 튜토리얼: https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-unpack-and-repack-unreal-engine-4-files.531784/
locres 수정: https://github.com/akintos/UnrealLocres
텍스쳐 수정: http://modderbase.com/showthread.php?tid=57
텍스쳐 수정2: http://modderbase.com/showthread.php?tid=1448
인게임 사용 폰트 모음
NotoSansCJKjp Bold
NotoSansCJKjp Regular
FOT-AokaneStd EB [메뉴UI, 숫자, 아이템설명, 처음 <주의> 창 등등]
FOT-NewCinemaBStd D [대화창 / 탐색실패 메세지]
FOT-YurukaStd UB [세이브슬롯 우측 상단 날짜표기]
* 일본어 기준
이미지 분석
- 쿠킹되어 있음 (uasset, uexp)
- 기본적인 정보는 uasset에, 기본헤더 및 이미지 데이터는 uexp에 있음
- 참고1: https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.26/en-US/SharingAndReleasing/Deployment/Cooking/
-참고2: https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.26/en-US/API/Runtime/Core/EPixelFormat/
이미지 작업 순서
- Fmodel이나 Noesis를 이용해 PNG로 export
- 포토샵으로 PNG 이미지를 불러온 후 수정
- DDS 플러그인을 이용해 각 타입에 맞게 export
- DDS 플러그인: https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-texture-tools-exporter
- hex editor로 헤더/푸터를 제외한 이미지 데이터만 교체
이미지 타입별 정리
PF_B8G8R8A8: RGBA 32bpp / MIPMAP 없음
* FF FF FF 00 / FF FF FF 00 / FF FF FF 00 / FF FF FF 00
PF_DXT5: BC3 RGBA 8bpp / MIPMAP 없음
* 00 00 00 00 / 00 00 00 00 / FF FF FF FF / AA AA AA AA
PF_DXT1: BC1 RGB 4bpp | No Alpha / MIPMAP 없음
* 샘플데이터 제공불가
이미지 수정기록
- PF_B8G8R8A8: Header [155h] + 이미지데이터 [200000h] + Footer [1Ch] // 2MB기준 // T_TitleLogo.uexp
- PF_DXT5: Header [FFh] + 이미지데이터 [40000h] + Footer [1Ch] // 256KB기준 // T_TitleLogo1.uexp
- PF_DXT1: Header [16Bh] + 이미지데이터 [100000h] + Footer [1Ch] // 1MB // T_EvPic1009.uexp
-- 아마 Footer 1Ch가 고정인 듯?
맵 번호
MP0000: ???
MP0100: Netherworld Gate
MP0200: Tree/Fossil Abode
MP0300: Grand Bridge Way
MP0400: Waterfall Gondola
MP0500: Twin Falls
MP0600: Wind-Riding Windmill
MP0700: Stone Ark
MP0800: Jumping Rock
MP0900: Multilayer Hill
MP1000: Forest of Temptation
MP1100: Corpse-Weeper Den
MP1200: Inverted Forest
MP1300: Hell's Crossing
MP1400: Inverted Arbor
MP1500: Seeker Camp
MP1600: Seeker Camp Inter.
MP1601: Guest Room
MP1602: Storage
MP1603: Ozen's Room
MP1604: Giant Telescope
MP1700: Terminal Pond
MP1800: Edge of the Abyss
MP1900: Heaven's Waterfall
MP2000: Updraft Wasteland
MP2100: The Great Fault
MP2200: Trapped Pirate Ship
MP2300: Hexagon Pillars
MP2400: Cold Heat Layer
MP2500: Quadruple Pit
MP2600: Glass Layer
MP2700: Spiral Hole (Upper)
MP2800: Rock Slide Hall
MP2900: Freezing Hot Mines
MP3000: Goblets of Giants
MP3100: Nanachi's Hideout
MP3103: Back Garden
MP3200: Hidden Hot Spring
MP3300: Giant Vine Bridge
MP3400: Floating Rocks
MP3500: Crystal Valley
MP3600: Spiral Hole (Lower)
MP3700: Eternal Fortunes
MP3800: Deep Tree Remains
MP3900: Sea of Corpses 1
MP4000: Sea of Corpses 2
MP4100: Hail Jail
MP4200: Water Crystals 1
MP4300: Water Crystals 2
MP4400: Eternal Garden
MP4500: Ido Front Area
MP4600: Sandy Ice Area 1
MP4700: Sandy Ice Area 2
MP4800: Ido Front
MP4900: Ido Front Internal
MP4901: Entrance
MP4902: Abyss
MP4903: Corridor
MP4904: Prushka's Room
MP5000: The Altar
MP6000: Orth
MP8000: Belchero Orphanage
MP8001: Classroom
MP8002: Riko's Room
MP8003: My Room
MP8004: Director's Office
MP8005: Shiggy's Room
MP8006: Dorothea's Room
MP8007: Go Outside
몬스터 번호
Mons_1010: Neritantan
Mons_1020: Tachikanata
Mons_1021: Tachikanata (Azure)
Mons_1022: Tachikanata (Ancestor)
Mons_1030: Amakagame
Mons_1040: Horncrier
Mons_1041: Horncrier (Ancestor)
Mons_1042: Horncrier (Subspecies)
Mons_1050: Hammerbeak
Mons_1070: Silkfang
Mons_1071: Silkfang
Mons_1080: Inbyo
Mons_1090: Ottobas
Mons_1091: Ottobas
Mons_1100: Corpse-weeper
Mons_1110: Crimson Splitjaw
Mons_1120: Madokajack
Mons_1130: Amaranthine-deceptor
Mons_1140: Orb Piercer
Mons_1150: Stingerhead
Mons_1160: Giant-hammerbeak
Mons_1170: Sakawatari
Mons_1180: Man-toyer
Mons_1190: Valley Croaker
Mons_1191: Valley Croaker (Jumper)
Mons_1192: Valley Croaker (Extreme)
Mons_1200: Pupa-carrier
Mons_1201: Pupa-carrier (Rare)
Mons_1202: Strength-sucker
Mons_1210: Stinger
Mons_1211: Stinger (Ancestor)
Mons_1212: Stinger (Subspecies)
Mons_1220: Yomotsubi
Mons_1221: Yomotsubi (Ancestor)
Mons_1222: Yomotsubi (Rare)
Mons_1230: Rock-licker
Mons_1240: Rock-walker
Mons_1250: Man-toyer (Rare)
Mons_1260: Head-tail
Mons_1261: Head-tail (Subspecies)
Mons_1270: Kudara
Mons_1274: Kudara
Mons_1271: Kudara (Shadow)
Mons_1272: -
Mons_1273: -
Mons_1280: Mountain-spinner
Mons_1281: Mountain-spinner (Fire)
Mons_1282: Mountain-spinner (Ice)
Mons_1290: Light-eater
Mons_1300: Footing-slicer
Mons_1310: Tidal-freezer
Mons_1320: Ink Flower
Mons_1330: End-jumper
Mons_1340: Octoliar
Mons_1350: Spikewalker
Mons_1351: Spikewalker
Mons_1370: Vine-stopper
Mons_1371: Vine-stopper
Mons_1380: Akatsutsuso
Mons_1390: Aotsutsuso
Mons_1400: Vine-binder
Mons_1410: Vine-binder (Subspecies)
Mons_1420: Vine-blaster (Green)
Mons_1421: Vine-blaster (Blue)
Mons_1422: Vine-blaster (Red)
Mons_1430: Swarm-shocker (Blue)
Mons_1440: Swarm-shocker (Purple)
Mons_1450: Swarm-shocker (Orange)
Mons_1530: Shroombear
Mons_1600: Inter. Device
Mons_1610: Inter. Device
Mons_1620: Inter. Device
Mons_1630: Inter. Device
Mons_1640: Inter. Device
Mons_1650: Ozen
Mons_1651: Ozen
Mons_1660: Bondrewd
Mons_1670: Detchuanga
Mons_1680: Tiare
Mons_1690: Foreign Cave Raider
Mons_1691: Foreign Cave Raider
Mons_1693: Foreign Cave Raider
Mons_1700: Foreign Cave Raider
Mons_1701: Foreign Cave Raider
Mons_1703: Foreign Cave Raider
Mons_1710: Foreign Cave Raider
Mons_1713: Foreign Cave Raider
Mons_1720: Foreign Cave Raider
Mons_1723: Foreign Cave Raider
Mons_1730: Foreign Cave Raider
Mons_1733: Foreign Cave Raider
Mons_9910: First Layer Primeval Creature
Mons_9911: Primeval Creature (1st Layer and Below)
Mons_9920: Second Layer Primeval Creature
Mons_9921: Primeval Creature (2nd Layer and Below)
Mons_9930: Third Layer Primeval Creature
Mons_9931: Primeval Creature (3rd Layer and Below)
Mons_9940: Fourth Layer Primeval Creature
Mons_9941: Primeval Creature (4th Layer and Below)
Mons_9950: Fifth Layer Primeval Creature
아이템 번호
Item_3001: Sun Sphere (1st Layer)
Item_3002: Scaled Umbrella
Item_3003: Blaze Reap
Item_3004: Star Compass
Item_3005: Sun Sphere (2nd Layer)
Item_3006: Princess Bosom
Item_3007: Sun Sphere (3rd Layer)
Item_3008: Sun Sphere (4th Layer)
Item_3009: Sun Sphere (5th Layer)
Item_3010: unused
Item_3011: Relic Hat (Special)
Item_3012: Relic Hat (High)
Item_3013: Relic Hat
Item_3014: Relic Glove (Special)
Item_3015: Relic Glove (High)
Item_3016: Relic Glove
Item_3017: Curse-Repelling Vessel
Item_3018: Relic Garb (Special)
Item_3019: Relic Garb (High)
Item_3020: Relic Garb
Item_3021: Relic Gun
Item_3022: Relic Gun (High)
Item_3023: Relic Gun (Special)
Item_3024: Relic Bow
Item_3025: Relic Bow (High)
Item_3026: Relic Bow (Special)
Item_3027: Relic Pickax (Special)
Item_3028: Relic Pickax (High)
Item_3029: Relic Hatchet
Item_3030: Relic Hatchet (High)
Item_3031: Relic Hatchet (Special)
Item_3032: Relic Pickax
Item_3033: Relic Pants (Special)
Item_3034: Relic Pants (High)
Item_3036: Relic Pants
Item_3039: Thousand-Men Wedge
Item_3040: Relic Shoes (Special)
Item_3041: Relic Shoes (High)
Item_3042: Relic Shoes
Item_3043: Fruitful Orb
Item_3101: Regular Bullet
Item_3102: Incendiary Bullet
Item_3103: Explosive Bullet
Item_3104: Electric Bullet
Item_3105: Flash Bullet
Item_3106: Bone Bullet
Item_3201: Arrow
Item_3202: Red Poison Arrow
Item_3203: Blue Poison Arrow
Item_3204: Paralysis Arrow
Item_3205: Powerful Arrow
Item_3206: Explosive Arrow
Item_3301: Cave Raider Hat
Item_3302: Meshed Hat
Item_3303: Scarlet Hat
Item_3304: Warm Hat
Item_3305: EX Warm Hat
Item_3306: Cook Hat
Item_3307: Feather Hat
Item_3308: Bone Helmet
Item_3309: Rescuer Hat
Item_3310: Agile Hat
Item_3311: Cave Raider Hat (Dark)
Item_3312: Meshed Hat (Red)
Item_3313: Ocean Hat
Item_3314: Warm Hat (Green)
Item_3315: EX Warm Hat (Red)
Item_3316: Cook Hat (Green)
Item_3317: Feather Hat (Dark)
Item_3318: Bone Helmet (Green)
Item_3319: Rescuer Hat (Blue)
Item_3320: Agile Hat (Dark)
Item_3321: Feather Helmet
Item_3322: Old Cave Raider Hat
Item_3323: Patchwork Hat
Item_3324: Reg’s Helmet
Item_3325: Hablog’s Hat
Item_3326: Prushka’s Hat
Item_3327: Nanachi’s Helmet
Item_3328: Ozen's Umbrella
Item_3330: unused
Item_3331: Marulk's Hat
Item_3332: unused
Item_3401: Cave Raider Gloves
Item_3402: Mesh Gloves
Item_3403: Scarlet Gloves
Item_3404: Warm Gloves
Item_3405: EX Warm Gloves
Item_3406: Cook Gloves
Item_3407: Feather Gloves
Item_3408: Bone Gloves
Item_3409: Rescuer Pocket Gloves
Item_3410: Agile Gloves
Item_3411: Gloves (Dark)
Item_3412: Mesh Gloves (Blue)
Item_3413: Ocean Gloves
Item_3414: Warm Gloves (Green)
Item_3415: EX Warm Gloves (D.)
Item_3416: Cook Gloves (Brown)
Item_3417: Feather Gloves (Dark)
Item_3418: Bone Gloves (Dark)
Item_3419: Rescuer Gloves (Or.)
Item_3420: Agile Gloves (Dark)
Item_3501: Cave Raider Jacket
Item_3502: Mesh Jacket
Item_3503: Scarlet Coat
Item_3504: Warm Jacket
Item_3505: EX Warm Coat
Item_3506: Cook Jacket
Item_3507: Feather Garb
Item_3508: Bone Jacket
Item_3509: Rescuer Jacket
Item_3510: Agile Jacket
Item_3511: Jacket (Dark)
Item_3512: Mesh Jacket (Red)
Item_3513: Ocean Coat
Item_3514: Warm Jacket (Green)
Item_3515: EX Warm Coat (Red)
Item_3516: Cook Jacket (Green)
Item_3517: Feather Garb (Dark)
Item_3518: Bone Jacket (Red)
Item_3519: Rescuer Jacket (Blue)
Item_3520: Agile Jacket (Dark)
Item_3601: Cave Raider Trousers
Item_3602: Mesh Pants
Item_3603: Scarlet Pants
Item_3604: Warm Trousers
Item_3605: EX Warm Trousers
Item_3606: Cook Trousers
Item_3607: Feather Pants
Item_3608: Bone Trousers
Item_3609: Rescuer Shorts
Item_3610: Agile Trousers
Item_3611: Cook Trousers (Dark)
Item_3612: Mesh Pants (Red)
Item_3613: Ocean Pants
Item_3614: Warm Trousers (Brown)
Item_3615: EX Warm Trousers (D.)
Item_3616: Cook Trousers (Gr.)
Item_3617: Feather Pants (Dark)
Item_3618: Bone Trousers (Dark)
Item_3619: Rescuer Shorts (Blue)
Item_3620: Agile Trousers (Dark)
Item_3701: Cave Raider Shoes
Item_3702: Mesh Shoes
Item_3703: Scarlet Shoes
Item_3704: Warm Shoes
Item_3705: EX Warm Shoes
Item_3706: Cook Boots
Item_3707: Feather Shoes
Item_3708: Bone Shoes
Item_3709: Rescuer Boots
Item_3710: Agile Boots
Item_3711: Shoes (Dark)
Item_3712: Mesh Shoes (Blue)
Item_3713: Ocean Shoes
Item_3714: Warm Shoes (Green)
Item_3715: EX Warm Shoes (D.)
Item_3716: Cook Boots (Brown)
Item_3717: Feather Shoes (Dark)
Item_3718: Bone Shoes (Green)
Item_3719: Rescuer Boots (Orange)
Item_3720: Agile Boots (Dark)
Item_3801: Cave Raider Backpack
Item_3804: unused
Item_3901: Hegui Fruit
Item_3902: Beast Meat
Item_3903: Soft Meat
Item_3904: Hard Meat
Item_3905: Tail Meat
Item_3906: Bird Meat
Item_3907: Bird Egg
Item_3908: Fish Meat
Item_3909: Demonfish Liver
Item_3910: Crustacean Meat
Item_3911: Magotato
Item_3912: Subera
Item_3913: Gintoko
Item_3914: Rice
Item_3915: Bug Meat
Item_3916: Hamashirama Meat
Item_3917: Rare Fish Meat
Item_3918: Corpse-weeper Meat
Item_3919: Shroombear Meat
Item_3920: Demonfish Meat
Item_4201: Salt
Item_4202: Stick Miso
Item_4203: Sugar
Item_4204: Spices
Item_4205: Ouba Leaf
Item_4206: Shayoukoube
Item_4207: Eternal Fortunes
Item_4208: Zutsugi Root
Item_4209: Sainona Greens
Item_4301: Compass
Item_4302: Rope
Item_4303: Orb Piercer Antidote
Item_4304: Water-Shroom
Item_4305: Hemostatis Leaf
Item_4306: Bandage
Item_4307: Red Whistle
Item_4308: Blue Whistle
Item_4309: Moon Whistle
Item_4310: Black Whistle
Item_4311: Life-Reverberating Stone
Item_4312: White Whistle
Item_4316: Ottobas Feces
Item_4317: Monocular
Item_4318: Telescope
Item_4320: Super Lightweight Piton
Item_4321: Lightweight Piton
Item_4322: Piton
Item_4323: Lt. Fishing Pole
Item_4324: Fishing Pole
Item_4325: Expert Fishing Pole
Item_4327: Deep Pot
Item_4328: Shallow Pot
Item_4337: Rhombus Thorn Plant
Item_4338: Self-made Rope
Item_4347: unused
Item_4348: unused
Item_4349: unused
Item_4350: unused
Item_4351: unused
Item_4352: unused
Item_4362: Small Smoke Signal
Item_4363: Smoke Signal
Item_4364: Small Torch
Item_4365: Torch
Item_4367: Red Antidote
Item_4368: Blue Antidote
Item_4369: Paralysis Antidote
Item_4371: Mail Balloon
Item_4372: unused
Item_4373: Broken Mail Balloon
Item_4374: Lugworm
Item_4375: Shrimp
Item_4376: Small Fry
Item_4377: Limber Scales
Item_4378: Shellfish Shell
Item_4379: Strong Scales
Item_4380: Gas Spore
Item_4382: Blazing Sun
Item_4383: Blazing Sun EX
Item_4384: Raging Heavens
Item_4389: Blue Sky
Item_4390: Blue Sky EX
Item_4391: Scream
Item_4396: Pickax
Item_4397: Lt. Pickax
Item_4398: Blue Whistle Pickax
Item_4399: Blue Whistle Lt. Pickax
Item_4400: Moon Whistle Pickax
Item_4401: Black Whistle Pickax
Item_4402: White Whistle Pickax
Item_4403: Hatchet
Item_4404: Small Hatchet
Item_4405: Long Hatchet
Item_4406: Long Hatchet EX
Item_4407: Wide Hatchet
Item_4408: Saw Hatchet
Item_4409: XL Hatchet 7
Item_4607: Tokajishi Charm
Item_4608: Tokajishi Charm (High)
Item_4609: Tokajishi Charm (Special)
Item_4610: Blue Poison Charm
Item_4611: Blue Poison Charm (High)
Item_4612: Blue Poison Charm (Special)
Item_4613: Red Poison Charm
Item_4614: Red Poison Charm (High)
Item_4615: Red Poison Charm (Special)
Item_4616: Paralysis Charm
Item_4617: Paralysis Charm (High)
Item_4618: Paralysis Charm (Special)
Item_4622: Lyza’s White Whistle
Item_4623: Ozen’s White Whistle
Item_4624: Bondrewd’s Whistle
Item_4627: Wrist Charm
Item_4628: Wrist Charm (High)
Item_4629: Wrist Charm (Special)
Item_4630: Ankle Charm
Item_4631: Ankle Charm (High)
Item_4632: Ankle Charm (Special)
Item_4701: Hard Stone
Item_4702: Incendiary Stone
Item_4703: Explosive Stone
Item_4704: Electric Stone
Item_4705: Flash Stone
Item_4706: Animal Bone
Item_4707: Fletching
Item_4708: Red Gauze Poison
Item_4709: Burnt Blue Poison
Item_4710: Paralyzing Poison
Item_4711: Fletching (Hard)
Item_4712: Oil Seed
Item_4713: Arrowhead
Item_4714: Ignitor
Item_4715: Cartridge
Item_4716: Horizontal Layer Board
Item_4717: Vertical Layer Board
Item_4718: Fox Bone
Item_4719: Offering
Item_4720: Mushroom Ball
Item_4721: Stress Ball
Item_4722: Ugly Spinner
Item_4723: Ferrous Sphere
Item_4724: Maze Twine
Item_4725: Ivy Badge
Item_4726: Pulled Teeth
Item_4727: Double-Bell Ball
Item_4728: Spiraling Heat Stone
Item_4729: Shatter Pot
Item_4730: Tangled Fluid
Item_4731: Silkfang Thread
Item_4732: Insect Exoskeleton
Item_4801: unused
Item_4802: unused
Item_4803: unused
Item_4804: unused
Item_4805: unused
Item_4806: unused
Item_4807: unused
Item_4808: unused
Item_4809: unused
Item_4810: unused
Item_4900: Gondola Part
Item_4901: Splint
Item_4902: Father's Keepsake
Item_4903: Hablog's Letter
Item_4904: Laffi's Letter
Item_4905: Marulk's Letter
Item_4906: Mail Balloon Letter
Item_4907: Relic Offering
Item_4908: Three Spices
Item_4909: Silkfang Thread
Item_4910: Antidote Herb
Item_4911: Retrieved Relic
Item_4912: Spring Bringer
Item_4913: Tiare's Red Whistle
Item_4914: Music Box
Item_4915: Sun Sphere
Item_5012: unused
Item_6010: Riko Bomb
Item_6020: Demonfish Miso Soup
Item_6030: Smoked Demonfish
Item_6040: Mustard Steamed Bun
Item_6050: Corpse-Weeper Steak
Item_6060: Seeker Camp Stew
Item_6070: Memorable Stew
Item_6080: Riko Hodgepodge Stew
Item_6090: Survival Training Steak
Item_6100: Mysterious Pot
Item_6110: Netherworld Stew
Item_6120: Cooked Shroombear Meat
Item_6130: Type 4 Energy Rations
Item_6140: Lyza’s Cooking
Item_6150: Pan-Fried Demonfish
Item_6160: Crumbled Boiled Egg
Item_6170: Hamashirama Sashimi
Item_6180: Hamashirama Pot
Item_6190: Foreign Rations
Item_6200: Laffi’s Special Lunch
Item_6210: Foreign Baked Sweets
Item_6220: Various Pickle Bottle
Item_6230: Smoked Fish
Item_6240: Magotato (Granulated)
Item_6250: Salted Rare Fish Roast
Item_6320: Cooked Meat
Item_6321: Soft-Cooked Meat
Item_6322: Hard-Cooked Meat
Item_6323: Cooked Tail Meat
Item_6324: Cooked Bird
Item_6325: Cooked Fish
Item_6326: Cooked Shellfish
Item_6327: Cooked Insect
Item_6329: Beast Meat Pot
Item_6330: Soft-Meat Pot
Item_6331: Hard-Meat Pot
Item_6332: Tail Meat Pot
Item_6333: Bird Meat Pot
Item_6334: Fish Pot
Item_6335: Shellfish Pot
Item_6343: Boiled Egg
Item_6345: Gonk Fish Liver
Item_6346: Steamed Bird
Item_6347: Fried Magotato
Item_6349: Magotato Mochi
Item_6414: Gintoko Meat Soup
Item_6415: Gintoko Fish Soup
Item_6416: Gintoko Shellfish Soup
Item_6421: Gintoko Stew
Item_6510: Fried Meat Platter
Item_6512: Hearty Stew
Item_6513: Fish Flake Onigiri
Item_6515: Fried Bird with Skin
Item_6610: Gorgeous Hot Pot
Item_6612: Adult Onigiri
Item_6613: Rare Fish Sashimi
Item_6614: Rare Fish Hot Pot
클래스::함수 모음
- 위 문서를 UTF-8 (with BOM) 인코딩으로 저장한 후, 엑셀로 열면 제대로 보인다.
- 게임 내에서 사용되는 것만 있는 게 아니라, 언리얼 엔진쪽 내용도 들어가 있으므로 구분해서 봐야 한다.
- unicode보단 string쪽을 보는게 나을 것 같다.
파일 수정
uasset 수정
uasset파일은 UAssetGUI를 이용해 수정할 수 있다.
- UAssetGUI: https://github.com/atenfyr/UAssetGUI
* 글 작성 시점 최신 빌드( 3b9129b - 73b79b0) 기준으로 설명
예시 파일: DT_itemInfomation.uasset / .uexp
우선 uasset파일을 UAssetGUI로 불러온 후, ExportData/Export 1/Table info까지 이동한다.
그 후 오른쪽 필드에 위에 있는 데이터를 참고하여 임의대로 데이터를 작성한다.
위 예시의 경우 item_6001을 작성하였다.
uasset파일을 다시 불러오거나, 좌측 트리에서 Shift+F5를 누르면 아까 만든 항목이 추가되어 있는 것을 볼 수 있다.
UAssetGUI 프로그램을 하나 더 실행시키고, 같은 파일을 불러오자.
기존 값을 한 줄 선택한 다음 복사하고, 내가 만들 새로운 아이템 항목에 붙여넣자.
붙여넣은 후 겹치면 안되는 부분을 수정하고, 내가 바꾸고 싶은 부분도 바꾼 다음 저장하면
새로운 아이템의 추가가 완료됐다.
uasset 파일 수정 성공이다.
이미지 추가
위 배경 이미지를 기반으로, 이미지 데이터 교체가 아닌 추가를 해보자.
FModel로 열어보니 MadeInAbyss-BSFD/Content/MadeInAbyss/UI/Event/Pictures/1009에 있다.
Export Raw Data 및 Save Texture를 해두자.
방금 Export Raw Data를 통해 추출한 파일 중 uasset파일을 UAssetGUI로 열어보자.
T_EvPic1009라고 써져있는 항목들이 보인다.
이를 우리가 추가해줄 새로운 번호로 바꿔준다. 이번엔 1015로 바꾸고 저장해보겠다.
뭔가를 추가할땐 웬만해선 천단위 번호나 백단위 번호는 바꾸지 않는게 좋다.
1천번대는 배경, 2천번대는 아이템 일러스트... 이런 식으로 네이밍 규칙이 있는 듯 하다.
아무튼, 이 작업으로 uasset 파일의 수정은 끝났다.
이제 실질적인 이미지 데이터가 들어있는 uexp 파일을 헥스 에디터로 열어보면,
PF_DXT1라는 내용이 보인다. BC1(DXT1) 방식으로 데이터가 들어있다는 것.
입맛대로 이미지를 수정하고, Save a copy를 선택한다.
저장 시 파일 형식을 DDS - Nvidia Texture~ 로 설정하면 2번째 사진같은 창이 뜬다.
위에서 확인했을 때 DXT1(BC1)이었으니 Format을 BC1으로 설정하고, Generate Mipmaps를 끈다.
방금 저장한 DDS파일을 헥스에디터로 열어보면, 80h부터 이미지 데이터가 들어있는걸 확인할 수 있다.
80h부터 끝까지 복사한다. 선택한 데이터 길이를 보면 100000h가 나오는데, 이걸 기억하면 좋다.
아까 추출해놨던 uexp파일을 열고, 뒷부분부터 1Ch만큼 데이터를 제외시키고 그 다음부터 데이터를 선택한다.
dds파일의 이미지 데이터가 100000h였으니, 위 사진 기준 10016Ah부터 거꾸로 100000h만큼 선택한 다음
아까 복사해뒀던 데이터를 붙여넣으면 이미지 데이터만 깔끔하게 교체되는 것이다.
대충 이런 느낌이다.
아무튼 데이터 교체를 완료했으면 저장하자.
파일명을 1015로 바꾸고,
기존에 해당 파일이 사용됐던 부분의 스크립트를 수정한 다음
(위 경우 1009 -> 1015로 수정)
수정한 파일 3개(T_EvPic1015.uasset, T_EvPic1015.uexp, MapEvent80.as)를 모드 형식으로 리팩하자.
적용시켜보면 정상적으로 수정된 걸 볼 수 있다.
배경 뿐만이 아니라 아이템 이미지, 아이템 아이콘, 기타 텍스쳐들도 같거나 비슷한 방식으로 진행할 수 있다.
기존 이미지를 대체하는 것이 아닌, 새로운 이미지를 추가하는 방식이기에
아예 새로운 내용을 모드로 추가할 수 있다는 장점이 있다.
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